What a day! Action, drama, entertainment and lots of crores spent in Bengaluru on Saturday as the Day 1 of IPL 2022 mega auction proved to be one of the most astonishing days ever in history of Indian Premier League. After a scary incident involving auctioneer Hugh Edmeades who collapsed during the event, he was well attended by medical team and was fortunately fine. However, he was recommended to take rest and was eventually replaced by Charu Sharma for the remainder of day.....
Around 20 medical students from Bareilly and Rampur district are stuck in Ukraine, following border tension with Russia. They want the government of India to evacuate them, according to family members. ....
India head coach Rahul Dravid explained that his conversation with Wriddhiman Saha came out of respect for the contributions and achievements of the wicketkeeper-batter to Indian cricket. He also added that Saha deserved 'honesty and clarity' and was not hurt by the contents of the conversation coming into public domain. ....
The US continues to see Russia making moves in the field that are consistent with preparations to invade Ukraine, CNN reported. ....
India on Tuesday reported a further decline in fresh Covid infections with 13,405 cases and 235 fatalities in the past 24 hours. ....
Microsoft Co-founder and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Co-chair Bill Gates was all praise for India for development, manufacturing and distribution of Covid-19 vaccines and termed the country's vaccine coverage as "very impressive". ....
The Indian Premier League (IPL) 2022 season will begin from March 26 and run till May 29, said the IPL Governing Council on Friday. ....
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday chaired a high-level meeting to review the ongoing evacuations of Indians stranded in war torn Ukraine. ....
Inda has said that efforts to evacuate its citizens from Ukraine have been hampered by "adverse conditions" at the borders, but it has also offered to help evacuate citizens of neighbouring and other developing countries stranded there. ....
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday met President Ram Nath Kovind and briefed him on various issues, including the situation in Ukraine. ....